Thursday, October 21, 2021

PSA Writing littering

 Today we had to make a PSA poster Public Service Agreement. Mine was about littering, here it is below.



  1. WOW!
    Really inspiring
    I love the background and the words like HEY YOU or 1% or DON'T LITTER PICK UP THE LITTER.
    And you may have my time.
    Also I think this very poster could have a difference here in new Zealand.
    From Maddy:[]

  2. One more thing
    I love the little ! at the bottom of your post

  3. Hey Nika! This is an awesome poster. I had to make one too, it could be a poster, video, slides, etc. Me and my class were given the same task like you and your class. I love the way you wrote "HEY YOU? CAN I HAVE A BIT OF YOUR TIME READING THIS" because it actually makes the reader carry on reading this poster. You've also added a good backround that is very eye catching. A question. I thought PSA meant "Public Service Announcement" not "Public Service Agreement"

    If you want to see my PSA here is the link ➡️

  4. Hi Nika,
    Wow This will definitely save the future of earth! This is definitely thought out.
